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Class SFCGAL::Coordinate

ClassList > SFCGAL > Coordinate

Represents the Coordinate of aPoint (wraps either an empty structure, or a Kernel::Point_2, or a Kernel::Point_3)

  • #include <Coordinate.h>


Type Name
class Empty

Public Functions

Type Name
Coordinate ()
Coordinate (const Kernel::FT & x, const Kernel::FT & y)
Coordinate (const Kernel::FT & x, const Kernel::FT & y, const Kernel::FT & z)
Coordinate (const double & x, const double & y, const double & z)
Coordinate (const double & x, const double & y)
Coordinate (const Kernel::Point_2 & other)
Coordinate (const Kernel::Point_3 & other)
Coordinate (const Coordinate & other)
bool almostEqual (const Coordinate & other, const double tolerance) const
int coordinateDimension () const
Get the dimension of the coordinates.
bool is3D () const
Tests if Z is defined.
bool isEmpty () const
Tests if the coordinates are empty.
void load (Archive & ar, const unsigned int)
bool operator!= (const Coordinate & other) const
Compares with an other point.
bool operator< (const Coordinate & other) const
Compares two points (lexicographic order)
Coordinate & operator= (const Coordinate & other)
bool operator== (const Coordinate & other) const
Compares with an other point.
Coordinate & round (const long & scaleFactor=1)
round coordinates with a scale factor
void save (Archive & ar, const unsigned int) const
void serialize (Archive & ar, const unsigned int version)
Kernel::Point_2 toPoint_2 () const
Converts to Kernel::Point_2.
Kernel::Point_3 toPoint_3 () const
Converts to Kernel::Point_3.
Kernel::Vector_2 toVector_2 () const
Converts to Kernel::Vector_2.
Kernel::Vector_3 toVector_3 () const
Converts to Kernel::Vector_3.
Kernel::FT x () const
Gets the x value.
Kernel::FT y () const
Gets the y value.
Kernel::FT z () const
Gets the z value.
~Coordinate ()

Public Functions Documentation

function Coordinate [1/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate () 

Empty Coordinate constructor

function Coordinate [2/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const Kernel::FT & x,
    const Kernel::FT & y

XY Constructor with exact coordinates

function Coordinate [3/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const Kernel::FT & x,
    const Kernel::FT & y,
    const Kernel::FT & z

XYZ Constructor with exact coordinates

function Coordinate [4/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const double & x,
    const double & y,
    const double & z

XYZ constructor


x,y,z must not be not be NaN nor inf

function Coordinate [5/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const double & x,
    const double & y

XY constructor


x,y must not be not be NaN nor inf

function Coordinate [6/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const Kernel::Point_2 & other

Constructor from CGAL::Point_2<K>

function Coordinate [7/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const Kernel::Point_3 & other

Constructor from CGAL::Point_3<K>

function Coordinate [8/8]

SFCGAL::Coordinate::Coordinate (
    const Coordinate & other

copy constructor

function almostEqual

bool SFCGAL::Coordinate::almostEqual (
    const Coordinate & other,
    const double tolerance
) const

absolute comparison with an other coordinate

function coordinateDimension

int SFCGAL::Coordinate::coordinateDimension () const

function is3D

bool SFCGAL::Coordinate::is3D () const

function isEmpty

bool SFCGAL::Coordinate::isEmpty () const

function load

template<class Archive>
inline void SFCGAL::Coordinate::load (
    Archive & ar,
    const unsigned int

function operator!=

Compares with an other point.

bool SFCGAL::Coordinate::operator!= (
    const Coordinate & other
) const


coordinates must have the same dimension

function operator<

Compares two points (lexicographic order)

bool SFCGAL::Coordinate::operator< (
    const Coordinate & other
) const


coordinates must have the same dimension

function operator=

Coordinate & SFCGAL::Coordinate::operator= (
    const Coordinate & other

assign operator

function operator==

Compares with an other point.

bool SFCGAL::Coordinate::operator== (
    const Coordinate & other
) const


coordinates must have the same dimension

function round

round coordinates with a scale factor

Coordinate & SFCGAL::Coordinate::round (
    const long & scaleFactor=1



function save

template<class Archive>
inline void SFCGAL::Coordinate::save (
    Archive & ar,
    const unsigned int
) const


function serialize

template<class Archive>
inline void SFCGAL::Coordinate::serialize (
    Archive & ar,
    const unsigned int version

function toPoint_2

Kernel::Point_2 SFCGAL::Coordinate::toPoint_2 () const

function toPoint_3

Kernel::Point_3 SFCGAL::Coordinate::toPoint_3 () const

function toVector_2

inline Kernel::Vector_2 SFCGAL::Coordinate::toVector_2 () const

function toVector_3

inline Kernel::Vector_3 SFCGAL::Coordinate::toVector_3 () const

function x

Gets the x value.

Kernel::FT SFCGAL::Coordinate::x () const


Exact, NaN for empty coordinates

function y

Gets the y value.

Kernel::FT SFCGAL::Coordinate::y () const


Exact, NaN for empty coordinates

function z

Gets the z value.

Kernel::FT SFCGAL::Coordinate::z () const


Exact, NaN for empty or 0 for 2D coordinates

function ~Coordinate

SFCGAL::Coordinate::~Coordinate () 


The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/Coordinate.h