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Class SFCGAL::NotImplementedException

ClassList > SFCGAL > NotImplementedException


  • #include <Exception.h>

Inherits the following classes: SFCGAL::Exception

Public Functions

Type Name
NotImplementedException (std::string const & message) noexcept
NotImplementedException (const NotImplementedException &) noexcept
NotImplementedException (NotImplementedException &&) noexcept
NotImplementedException & operator= (const NotImplementedException &) noexcept
NotImplementedException & operator= (NotImplementedException &&) noexcept
~NotImplementedException () noexcept override

Public Functions inherited from SFCGAL::Exception

See SFCGAL::Exception

Type Name
Exception () noexcept
Exception (std::string const & message) noexcept
Exception (const Exception &) noexcept
Exception (Exception &&) noexcept
std::string diagnostic () noexcept const
Exception & operator= (const Exception &) noexcept
Exception & operator= (Exception &&) noexcept
const char * what () noexcept override const
~Exception () noexcept override

Protected Attributes inherited from SFCGAL::Exception

See SFCGAL::Exception

Type Name
std::string _message

Detailed Description

SFCGAL Exception thrown when a function is not implemented

Public Functions Documentation

function NotImplementedException [1/3]

explicit SFCGAL::NotImplementedException::NotImplementedException (
    std::string const & message
) noexcept

function NotImplementedException [2/3]

SFCGAL::NotImplementedException::NotImplementedException (
    const NotImplementedException &
) noexcept

function NotImplementedException [3/3]

SFCGAL::NotImplementedException::NotImplementedException (
    NotImplementedException &&
) noexcept

function operator=

NotImplementedException & SFCGAL::NotImplementedException::operator= (
    const NotImplementedException &
) noexcept

function operator=

NotImplementedException & SFCGAL::NotImplementedException::operator= (
    NotImplementedException &&
) noexcept

function ~NotImplementedException

SFCGAL::NotImplementedException::~NotImplementedException () noexcept override

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/Exception.h