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Class SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron

template <class HDS>

ClassList > SFCGAL > Triangulated2Polyhedron

Inherits the following classes: CGAL::Modifier_base< HDS >

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::set< std::pair< Point, Point > > HalfedgeSet
typedef typename HDS::Traits K
typedef typename Vertex::Point Point
typedef std::map< Point, size_t > PointMap
typedef typename HDS::Vertex Vertex

Public Functions

Type Name
Triangulated2Polyhedron (const TriangulatedSurface & surf)
void operator() (HDS & hds) override

Public Types Documentation

typedef HalfedgeSet

using SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron< HDS >::HalfedgeSet =  std::set<std::pair<Point, Point> >;

typedef K

using SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron< HDS >::K =  typename HDS::Traits;

typedef Point

using SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron< HDS >::Point =  typename Vertex::Point;

typedef PointMap

using SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron< HDS >::PointMap =  std::map<Point, size_t>;

typedef Vertex

using SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron< HDS >::Vertex =  typename HDS::Vertex;

Public Functions Documentation

function Triangulated2Polyhedron

inline SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron::Triangulated2Polyhedron (
    const TriangulatedSurface & surf

function operator()

inline void SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron::operator() (
    HDS & hds
) override

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/TriangulatedSurface.cpp