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Class SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph

ClassList > SFCGAL > algorithm > SurfaceGraph


  • #include <connection.h>

Inherits the following classes: boost::noncopyable

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::map< Coordinate, VertexIndex > CoordinateMap
typedef std::map< std::pair< VertexIndex, VertexIndex >, std::pair< FaceIndex, FaceIndex > > EdgeMap
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS > FaceGraph
typedef size_t FaceIndex
typedef size_t VertexIndex

Public Static Attributes

Type Name
const size_t INVALID_INDEX = = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()

Public Functions

Type Name
SurfaceGraph (const PolyhedralSurface & s)
SurfaceGraph (const TriangulatedSurface & tin)
const EdgeMap & edgeMap () const
const FaceGraph & faceGraph () const
const Validity isValid () const

Detailed Description

Represents a polyhedral surface as a graph where faces are nodes and egde are graph edges


the polygons are valid



Public Types Documentation

typedef CoordinateMap

typedef std::map<Coordinate, VertexIndex> SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::CoordinateMap;

typedef EdgeMap

typedef std::map<std::pair<VertexIndex, VertexIndex>, std::pair<FaceIndex, FaceIndex> > SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::EdgeMap;

typedef FaceGraph

typedef boost::adjacency_list<boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::undirectedS> SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::FaceGraph;

typedef FaceIndex

typedef size_t SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::FaceIndex;

typedef VertexIndex

typedef size_t SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::VertexIndex;

Public Static Attributes Documentation


const size_t SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::INVALID_INDEX;

Public Functions Documentation

function SurfaceGraph [1/2]

SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::SurfaceGraph (
    const PolyhedralSurface & s

function SurfaceGraph [2/2]

SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::SurfaceGraph (
    const TriangulatedSurface & tin

function edgeMap

inline const EdgeMap & SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::edgeMap () const

function faceGraph

inline const FaceGraph & SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::faceGraph () const

function isValid

inline const Validity SFCGAL::algorithm::SurfaceGraph::isValid () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/algorithm/connection.h