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Class SFCGAL::detail::Interval

ClassList > SFCGAL > detail > Interval


  • #include <Interval.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
Interval ()
Interval (const double & value)
Interval (const double & v1, const double & v2)
Interval (const Interval & other)
void expandBy (const double & d)
void expandToInclude (const Interval & other)
void expandToInclude (const double & value)
bool intersects (const Interval & other) const
bool isEmpty () const
const double & lower () const
bool operator!= (const Interval & other) const
Interval & operator= (const Interval & other)
bool operator== (const Interval & other) const
const double & upper () const
double width () const

Detailed Description

Represents an interval

Public Functions Documentation

function Interval [1/4]

SFCGAL::detail::Interval::Interval () 

default constructor (empty interval)

function Interval [2/4]

SFCGAL::detail::Interval::Interval (
    const double & value

collapsed interval constructor

function Interval [3/4]

SFCGAL::detail::Interval::Interval (
    const double & v1,
    const double & v2

constructor with two values

function Interval [4/4]

SFCGAL::detail::Interval::Interval (
    const Interval & other

copy constructor

function expandBy

void SFCGAL::detail::Interval::expandBy (
    const double & d

expand the interval


no effect if isEmpty()

function expandToInclude [1/2]

void SFCGAL::detail::Interval::expandToInclude (
    const Interval & other

expand the interval to include an other interval.


no effect if other.isEmpty()

function expandToInclude [2/2]

void SFCGAL::detail::Interval::expandToInclude (
    const double & value

expand the interval to include a value


no effect if value is NaN

function intersects

bool SFCGAL::detail::Interval::intersects (
    const Interval & other
) const

test if this intersects other

function isEmpty

bool SFCGAL::detail::Interval::isEmpty () const

indicates if the interval is empty

function lower

inline const double & SFCGAL::detail::Interval::lower () const

returns the lower value

function operator!=

bool SFCGAL::detail::Interval::operator!= (
    const Interval & other
) const

compare two intervals


false for empty intervals

function operator=

Interval & SFCGAL::detail::Interval::operator= (
    const Interval & other

assign operator

function operator==

bool SFCGAL::detail::Interval::operator== (
    const Interval & other
) const

compare two intervals


true for empty intervals

function upper

inline const double & SFCGAL::detail::Interval::upper () const

returns the upper value

function width

inline double SFCGAL::detail::Interval::width () const

returns the with of the interval

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/Interval.h