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Class SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory

ClassList > SFCGAL > detail > io > OsgFactory

helper class to convert SFCGAL::Geometry to osg::Geometry

  • #include <OsgFactory.h>

Public Functions

Type Name
osg::Geometry * createGeometry (const Geometry & g)
osg::Vec3 createVec3 (const Point & g) const

Protected Functions

Type Name
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const Geometry &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const Point &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const LineString &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const Triangle &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const Polygon &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const TriangulatedSurface &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const PolyhedralSurface &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const Solid &)
void addToGeometry (osg::Geometry *, const GeometryCollection &)
size_t createVertex (osg::Vec3Array * vertices, const Point & g)
size_t createVertex (osg::Vec3Array * vertices, const osg::Vec3 & g)

Public Functions Documentation

function createGeometry

osg::Geometry * SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::createGeometry (
    const Geometry & g

create a osg::Geometry from a Point

function createVec3

osg::Vec3 SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::createVec3 (
    const Point & g
) const

create a osg::Vec3 from a Point

Protected Functions Documentation

function addToGeometry [1/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const Geometry &

add a SFCGAL::Geometry to a osg::Geometry (dispatch method)

function addToGeometry [2/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const Point &

add a Point to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [3/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const LineString &

add a LineString to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [4/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const Triangle &

add a Triangle to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [5/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const Polygon &

add a Polygon to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [6/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const TriangulatedSurface &

add a TIN to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [7/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const PolyhedralSurface &

add a PolyhedralSurface to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [8/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const Solid &

add a Solid to a osg::Geometry

function addToGeometry [9/9]

void SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::addToGeometry (
    osg::Geometry *,
    const GeometryCollection &

add a GeometryCollection to a osg::Geometry

function createVertex [1/2]

size_t SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::createVertex (
    osg::Vec3Array * vertices,
    const Point & g

create a vertex and returns its position in a vertice array

function createVertex [2/2]

size_t SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory::createVertex (
    osg::Vec3Array * vertices,
    const osg::Vec3 & g

create a vertex and returns its position in a vertice array

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/io/OsgFactory.h