Class SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT
template <typename VertexProperties, typename EdgeProperties>
ClassList > SFCGAL > graph > GeometryGraphT
[private]Represents the vertices and edges for a list of geometries. More...
#include <GeometryGraph.h>
Public Types
Type | Name |
typedef std::pair< edge_descriptor, EdgeDirection > | directed_edge_descriptor |
typedef boost::graph_traits< graph_t >::edge_descriptor | edge_descriptor |
typedef boost::graph_traits< graph_t >::edge_iterator | edge_iterator |
typedef EdgeProperties | edge_properties |
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::bidirectionalS, vertex_properties, edge_properties > | graph_t |
typedef boost::graph_traits< graph_t >::in_edge_iterator | in_edge_iterator |
typedef boost::graph_traits< graph_t >::out_edge_iterator | out_edge_iterator |
typedef boost::graph_traits< graph_t >::vertex_descriptor | vertex_descriptor |
typedef boost::graph_traits< graph_t >::vertex_iterator | vertex_iterator |
typedef VertexProperties | vertex_properties |
Public Functions
Type | Name |
edge_descriptor | addEdge (const vertex_descriptor & source, const vertex_descriptor & target, const EdgeProperties & properties=EdgeProperties()) |
vertex_descriptor | addVertex (const vertex_properties & properties=vertex_properties()) |
std::set< vertex_descriptor > | adjacentVertices (const vertex_descriptor & vertex, bool withReverseDirection=true) |
bool | areOpposite (const edge_descriptor & a, const edge_descriptor & b) const |
bool | areParallel (const edge_descriptor & a, const edge_descriptor & b) const |
size_t | degree (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) const |
std::pair< edge_iterator, edge_iterator > | edges () const |
std::vector< directed_edge_descriptor > | edges (const vertex_descriptor & a, const vertex_descriptor & b) const |
graph_t & | graph () |
const graph_t & | graph () const |
std::vector< edge_descriptor > | inEdges (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) |
std::vector< directed_edge_descriptor > | inOutEdges (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) const |
size_t | numEdges () const |
size_t | numVertices () const |
operator const graph_t & (void) const |
operator graph_t & (void) |
const vertex_properties & | operator[] (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) const |
vertex_properties & | operator[] (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) |
const edge_properties & | operator[] (const edge_descriptor & edge) const |
edge_properties & | operator[] (const edge_descriptor & edge) |
std::vector< edge_descriptor > | outEdges (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) const |
void | removeEdge (const edge_descriptor & edge) |
void | removeVertex (const vertex_descriptor & vertex) |
void | reverse (std::vector< edge_descriptor > & edges) |
vertex_descriptor | source (const edge_descriptor & edge) const |
vertex_descriptor | source (const edge_descriptor & edge, const EdgeDirection & direction) const |
vertex_descriptor | source (const directed_edge_descriptor & edge) const |
vertex_descriptor | target (const edge_descriptor & edge) const |
vertex_descriptor | target (const edge_descriptor & edge, const EdgeDirection & direction) const |
vertex_descriptor | target (const directed_edge_descriptor & edge) const |
std::pair< vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator > | vertices () const |
Detailed Description
A boost::adjancency_list is wrapped in order to be able to annex some information and to provide basic functionalities.
duplicate matching is performed in GeometryGraphBuilder (allows to modify position once it's done)
Public Types Documentation
typedef directed_edge_descriptor
typedef std::pair<edge_descriptor, EdgeDirection> SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::directed_edge_descriptor;
An edge descriptor, with a direction.
From the vertex point of view, out edges are DIRECT, in edges are REVERSE.
typedef edge_descriptor
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::edge_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::edge_descriptor;
typedef edge_iterator
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::edge_iterator SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::edge_iterator;
typedef edge_properties
typedef EdgeProperties SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::edge_properties;
typedef graph_t
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::bidirectionalS, vertex_properties, edge_properties> SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::graph_t;
the wrapped graphEdgeProperties
typedef in_edge_iterator
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::in_edge_iterator SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::in_edge_iterator;
typedef out_edge_iterator
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::out_edge_iterator SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::out_edge_iterator;
typedef vertex_descriptor
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::vertex_descriptor;
typedef vertex_iterator
typedef boost::graph_traits<graph_t>::vertex_iterator SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::vertex_iterator;
typedef vertex_properties
typedef VertexProperties SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT< VertexProperties, EdgeProperties >::vertex_properties;
Public Functions Documentation
function addEdge
inline edge_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::addEdge (
const vertex_descriptor & source,
const vertex_descriptor & target,
const EdgeProperties & properties=EdgeProperties()
[edge]Add an Edge to the Graph
the identifier of the vertex
function addVertex
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::addVertex (
const vertex_properties & properties=vertex_properties()
[vertex]add a vertex to the graph
the identifier of the vertex
function adjacentVertices
inline std::set< vertex_descriptor > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::adjacentVertices (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex,
bool withReverseDirection=true
[adjacency]Returns the list of the adjacent vertices using both DIRECT and REVERSE direction
input vertexwithReverseDirection
indicates if in_edges are used
function areOpposite
inline bool SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::areOpposite (
const edge_descriptor & a,
const edge_descriptor & b
) const
[helper]indicates if edges are opposite
function areParallel
inline bool SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::areParallel (
const edge_descriptor & a,
const edge_descriptor & b
) const
[helper]indicates if edges are opposite
function degree
inline size_t SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::degree (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
) const
returns the degree of a vertex
function edges [1/2]
inline std::pair< edge_iterator, edge_iterator > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::edges () const
[iterator]return edge iterator
typename GeometryGraph<V,E>::edge_iterator it, end ;
for ( boost::tie( it, end ) = g.edges(); it != end; ++it ){
typename GeometryGraph<V,E>::edge_descriptor edge = *it ;
std::cout << g.source(edge) << "," << << std::endl;
function edges [2/2]
inline std::vector< directed_edge_descriptor > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::edges (
const vertex_descriptor & a,
const vertex_descriptor & b
) const
[edge]Get edges from a to b and from b to a
function graph [1/2]
inline graph_t & SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::graph ()
returns the wrapped boost::graph
function graph [2/2]
inline const graph_t & SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::graph () const
returns the wrapped boost::graph
function inEdges
inline std::vector< edge_descriptor > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::inEdges (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
[adjacency]get in edges
function inOutEdges
inline std::vector< directed_edge_descriptor > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::inOutEdges (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
) const
[adjacency]get in/out edges
function numEdges
inline size_t SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::numEdges () const
[edge]returns the number of vertices
function numVertices
inline size_t SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::numVertices () const
[vertex]returns the number of vertices
function operator const graph_t &
inline SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::operator const graph_t & (
) const
implicit cast to the wrapped boost graph in order to keep boost graph interface
function operator graph_t &
inline SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::operator graph_t & (
implicit cast to the wrapped boost graph in order to keep boost graph interface
function operator[]
inline const vertex_properties & SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::operator[] (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
) const
returns the VertexProperties attached to a Vertex
function operator[]
inline vertex_properties & SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::operator[] (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
returns the VertexProperties attached to a Vertex
function operator[]
inline const edge_properties & SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::operator[] (
const edge_descriptor & edge
) const
returns the VertexProperties attached to a Vertex
function operator[]
inline edge_properties & SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::operator[] (
const edge_descriptor & edge
returns the VertexProperties attached to a Vertex
function outEdges
inline std::vector< edge_descriptor > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::outEdges (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
) const
[adjacency]get out edges
function removeEdge
inline void SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::removeEdge (
const edge_descriptor & edge
[edge]Remove an edge
function removeVertex
inline void SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::removeVertex (
const vertex_descriptor & vertex
[vertex]Remove a vertex (and all its adjacent edges)
function reverse
inline void SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::reverse (
std::vector< edge_descriptor > & edges
[EdgeString]revert the order of a list of edges. Old edges are removed from the graph, new ones are created.
properties are kept but oriented one (left face, right face, etc.) are lost.
function source [1/3]
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::source (
const edge_descriptor & edge
) const
[edge]get the source vertex for an edge
function source [2/3]
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::source (
const edge_descriptor & edge,
const EdgeDirection & direction
) const
[edge]get the source vertex for an edge
function source [3/3]
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::source (
const directed_edge_descriptor & edge
) const
[edge]get the source vertex for an edge with a direction
function target [1/3]
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::target (
const edge_descriptor & edge
) const
[edge]get the target vertex for an edge
function target [2/3]
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::target (
const edge_descriptor & edge,
const EdgeDirection & direction
) const
[edge]get the target vertex for an edge with a direction
function target [3/3]
inline vertex_descriptor SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::target (
const directed_edge_descriptor & edge
) const
[edge]get the target vertex for an edge with a direction
function vertices
inline std::pair< vertex_iterator, vertex_iterator > SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT::vertices () const
[iterator]return vertex iterator
typename GeometryGraph<V,E>::vertex_iterator it, end ;
for ( boost::tie( it, end ) = g.vertices(); it != end; ++it ){
typename GeometryGraph<V,E>::vertex_descriptor vertex = *it ;
std::cout << g[ vertex ].coordinate << std::endl;
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/graph/GeometryGraph.h