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Class SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader

template <typename CharType>

ClassList > SFCGAL > tools > BasicInputStreamReader


  • #include <InputStreamReader.h>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef CharType char_type
typedef std::basic_istream< char_type > istream_type
typedef std::basic_istream< char_type >::pos_type pos_type
typedef std::basic_string< char_type > string_type

Public Functions

Type Name
BasicInputStreamReader (istream_type & s, bool skipWhiteSpaces=true)
constructor with an input stream
void begin ()
save input stream state (read position)
void commit ()
validate read from input stream
string_type context (size_t nMax=20)
bool eof () const
test if read is complete (either tried to reader after eof, either on eof)
bool imatch (char_type const & c)
try to match a char in the input stream, case-insensitive variant
bool imatch (string_type const & str)
try to match a string in the input stream, case-insensitive variant
bool match (char_type const & c)
try to match a char in the input stream
bool match (string_type const & str)
try to match a string in the input stream
bool read (T & value)
try to read a value in the input stream, restore state if read fails
auto readBytes (std::string & buffer, size_t bytesToRead)
void rollback ()
restore stream state (read position)
istream_type & s ()
returns the wrapped stream
istream_type const & s () const
returns the wrapped stream

Detailed Description

Helper class to parse data from stream.

Public Types Documentation

typedef char_type

typedef CharType SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader< CharType >::char_type;

typedef istream_type

typedef std::basic_istream<char_type> SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader< CharType >::istream_type;

typedef pos_type

typedef std::basic_istream<char_type>::pos_type SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader< CharType >::pos_type;

typedef string_type

typedef std::basic_string<char_type> SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader< CharType >::string_type;

Public Functions Documentation

function BasicInputStreamReader [1/2]

inline SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::BasicInputStreamReader (
    istream_type & s,
    bool skipWhiteSpaces=true

function begin

inline void SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::begin () 

function commit

inline void SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::commit () 

function context

inline string_type SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::context (
    size_t nMax=20

returns a string corresponding to the current state

function eof

inline bool SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::eof () const

function imatch [1/2]

inline bool SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::imatch (
    char_type const & c

function imatch [2/2]

inline bool SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::imatch (
    string_type const & str

function match [1/2]

inline bool SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::match (
    char_type const & c

function match [2/2]

inline bool SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::match (
    string_type const & str

function read

template<typename T>
inline bool SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::read (
    T & value

function readBytes

inline auto SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::readBytes (
    std::string & buffer,
    size_t bytesToRead

function rollback

inline void SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::rollback () 

function s [1/2]

inline istream_type & SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::s () 

function s [2/2]

inline istream_type const & SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader::s () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/tools/InputStreamReader.h