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Class SFCGAL::tools::Registry

ClassList > SFCGAL > tools > Registry


  • #include <Registry.h>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef std::vector< Geometry * >::const_iterator const_prototype_iterator
typedef std::vector< Geometry * >::iterator prototype_iterator

Public Functions

Type Name
void addPrototype (const Geometry & g)
std::vector< std::string > getGeometryTypes () const
Geometry * newGeometryByTypeId (int typeId) const
Geometry * newGeometryByTypeName (const std::string & geometryTypeName) const
~Registry ()

Public Static Functions

Type Name
Registry & instance ()

Detailed Description

Registry for dynamic information about SFCGAL library

Public Types Documentation

typedef const_prototype_iterator

typedef std::vector<Geometry*>::const_iterator SFCGAL::tools::Registry::const_prototype_iterator;

typedef prototype_iterator

typedef std::vector<Geometry*>::iterator SFCGAL::tools::Registry::prototype_iterator;

Public Functions Documentation

function addPrototype

void SFCGAL::tools::Registry::addPrototype (
    const Geometry & g

Register a new Geometry type

function getGeometryTypes

std::vector< std::string > SFCGAL::tools::Registry::getGeometryTypes () const

returns the list of the geometry types

function newGeometryByTypeId

Geometry * SFCGAL::tools::Registry::newGeometryByTypeId (
    int typeId
) const

returns a new instance of the given geometryType

function newGeometryByTypeName

Geometry * SFCGAL::tools::Registry::newGeometryByTypeName (
    const std::string & geometryTypeName
) const

returns a new instance of the given geometryTypeName

function ~Registry

SFCGAL::tools::Registry::~Registry () 


Public Static Functions Documentation

function instance

static Registry & SFCGAL::tools::Registry::instance () 

returns the instance of the registry

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/tools/Registry.h