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Dir src

FileList > src


Type Name
file Coordinate.cpp
file Coordinate.h
file Cylinder.cpp
file Cylinder.h
file Envelope.cpp
file Envelope.h
file Exception.cpp
file Exception.h
file Geometry.cpp
file Geometry.h
file GeometryCollection.cpp
file GeometryCollection.h
file GeometryVisitor.cpp
file GeometryVisitor.h
file Kernel.h
file LineString.cpp
file LineString.h
file MultiLineString.cpp
file MultiLineString.h
file MultiPoint.cpp
file MultiPoint.h
file MultiPolygon.cpp
file MultiPolygon.h
file MultiSolid.cpp
file MultiSolid.h
file Point.cpp
file Point.h
file Polygon.cpp
file Polygon.h
file PolyhedralSurface.cpp
file PolyhedralSurface.h
file PreparedGeometry.cpp
file PreparedGeometry.h
file Solid.cpp
file Solid.h
file Sphere.cpp
file Sphere.h
file Surface.cpp
file Surface.h
file Transform.cpp
file Transform.h
file Triangle.cpp
file Triangle.h
file TriangulatedSurface.cpp
file TriangulatedSurface.h
file Validity.h
file export.h
file numeric.cpp
file numeric.h
file version.cpp


Type Name
dir algorithm
dir capi
dir detail
dir io
dir triangulate

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/