Dir detail
Type | Name |
file | ComplexComparator.h |
file | EnvelopeVisitor.cpp |
file | EnvelopeVisitor.h |
file | ForceValidityVisitor.cpp |
file | ForceValidityVisitor.h |
file | GeometrySet.cpp |
file | GeometrySet.h |
file | GetPointsVisitor.cpp |
file | GetPointsVisitor.h |
file | Interval.cpp |
file | Interval.h |
file | TestGeometry.h |
file | TypeForDimension.h |
file | polygonSetToMultiPolygon.cpp |
file | polygonSetToMultiPolygon.h |
file | ublas.h |
Type | Name |
dir | algorithm |
dir | generator |
dir | graph |
dir | io |
dir | tools |
dir | transform |
dir | triangulate |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/