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Dir algorithm

FileList > algorithm


Type Name
file BoundaryVisitor.cpp
file BoundaryVisitor.h
file ConsistentOrientationBuilder.cpp
file ConsistentOrientationBuilder.h
file Intersection2D.cpp
file Intersection3D.cpp
file orientation.h
file alphaShapes.cpp
file alphaShapes.h
file area.cpp
file area.h
file buffer3D.cpp
file buffer3D.h
file collect.cpp
file collect.h
file collectionExtract.cpp
file collectionExtract.h
file collectionHomogenize.cpp
file collectionHomogenize.h
file collectionToMulti.cpp
file collectionToMulti.h
file connection.cpp
file connection.h
file convexHull.cpp
file convexHull.h
file covers.cpp
file covers.h
file difference.cpp
file difference.h
file differencePrimitives.cpp
file differencePrimitives.h
file distance.cpp
file distance.h
file distance3d.cpp
file distance3d.h
file extrude.cpp
file extrude.h
file force2D.cpp
file force2D.h
file force3D.cpp
file force3D.h
file intersection.cpp
file intersection.h
file intersects.cpp
file intersects.h
file isValid.cpp
file isValid.h
file length.cpp
file length.h
file lineSubstring.cpp
file lineSubstring.h
file minkowskiSum.cpp
file minkowskiSum.h
file minkowskiSum3D.cpp
file minkowskiSum3D.h
file normal.h
file offset.cpp
file offset.h
file orientation.cpp
file partition_2.cpp
file partition_2.h
file plane.h
file rotate.cpp
file rotate.h
file scale.cpp
file scale.h
file straightSkeleton.cpp
file straightSkeleton.h
file tesselate.cpp
file tesselate.h
file translate.cpp
file translate.h
file union.cpp
file union.h
file visibility.cpp
file visibility.h
file volume.cpp
file volume.h

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/algorithm/