File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
- dir src
- file Coordinate.cpp
- file Coordinate.h
- file Cylinder.cpp
- file Cylinder.h
- file Envelope.cpp
- file Envelope.h
- file Exception.cpp
- file Exception.h
- file Geometry.cpp
- file Geometry.h
- file GeometryCollection.cpp
- file GeometryCollection.h
- file GeometryVisitor.cpp
- file GeometryVisitor.h
- file Kernel.h
- file LineString.cpp
- file LineString.h
- file MultiLineString.cpp
- file MultiLineString.h
- file MultiPoint.cpp
- file MultiPoint.h
- file MultiPolygon.cpp
- file MultiPolygon.h
- file MultiSolid.cpp
- file MultiSolid.h
- file Point.cpp
- file Point.h
- file Polygon.cpp
- file Polygon.h
- file PolyhedralSurface.cpp
- file PolyhedralSurface.h
- file PreparedGeometry.cpp
- file PreparedGeometry.h
- file Solid.cpp
- file Solid.h
- file Sphere.cpp
- file Sphere.h
- file Surface.cpp
- file Surface.h
- file Transform.cpp
- file Transform.h
- file Triangle.cpp
- file Triangle.h
- file TriangulatedSurface.cpp
- file TriangulatedSurface.h
- file Validity.h
- dir algorithm
- file BoundaryVisitor.cpp
- file BoundaryVisitor.h
- file ConsistentOrientationBuilder.cpp
- file ConsistentOrientationBuilder.h
- file Intersection2D.cpp
- file Intersection3D.cpp
- file orientation.h
- file alphaShapes.cpp
- file alphaShapes.h
- file area.cpp
- file area.h
- file buffer3D.cpp
- file buffer3D.h
- file collect.cpp
- file collect.h
- file collectionExtract.cpp
- file collectionExtract.h
- file collectionHomogenize.cpp
- file collectionHomogenize.h
- file collectionToMulti.cpp
- file collectionToMulti.h
- file connection.cpp
- file connection.h
- file convexHull.cpp
- file convexHull.h
- file covers.cpp
- file covers.h
- file difference.cpp
- file difference.h
- file differencePrimitives.cpp
- file differencePrimitives.h
- file distance.cpp
- file distance.h
- file distance3d.cpp
- file distance3d.h
- file extrude.cpp
- file extrude.h
- file force2D.cpp
- file force2D.h
- file force3D.cpp
- file force3D.h
- file intersection.cpp
- file intersection.h
- file intersects.cpp
- file intersects.h
- file isValid.cpp
- file isValid.h
- file length.cpp
- file length.h
- file lineSubstring.cpp
- file lineSubstring.h
- file minkowskiSum.cpp
- file minkowskiSum.h
- file minkowskiSum3D.cpp
- file minkowskiSum3D.h
- file normal.h
- file offset.cpp
- file offset.h
- file orientation.cpp
- file partition_2.cpp
- file partition_2.h
- file plane.h
- file rotate.cpp
- file rotate.h
- file scale.cpp
- file scale.h
- file straightSkeleton.cpp
- file straightSkeleton.h
- file tesselate.cpp
- file tesselate.h
- file translate.cpp
- file translate.h
- file union.cpp
- file union.h
- file visibility.cpp
- file visibility.h
- file volume.cpp
- file volume.h
- dir capi
- file sfcgal_c.cpp
- file sfcgal_c.h
- dir detail
- file ComplexComparator.h
- file EnvelopeVisitor.cpp
- file EnvelopeVisitor.h
- file ForceValidityVisitor.cpp
- file ForceValidityVisitor.h
- file GeometrySet.cpp
- file GeometrySet.h
- file GetPointsVisitor.cpp
- file GetPointsVisitor.h
- file Interval.cpp
- file Interval.h
- file TestGeometry.h
- file TypeForDimension.h
- dir algorithm
- file coversPoints.cpp
- file coversPoints.h
- dir generator
- file building.cpp
- file building.h
- file disc.cpp
- file disc.h
- file hoch.cpp
- file hoch.h
- file sierpinski.cpp
- file sierpinski.h
- dir graph
- file Edge.cpp
- file Edge.h
- file GeometryGraph.h
- file GeometryGraphBuilder.h
- file Vertex.cpp
- file Vertex.h
- dir algorithm
- file orientation.h
- file isHalfEdge.h
- dir io
- file OsgFactory.cpp
- file OsgFactory.h
- file Serialization.cpp
- file Serialization.h
- file WkbReader.cpp
- file WkbReader.h
- file WkbWriter.cpp
- file WkbWriter.h
- file WktReader.cpp
- file WktReader.h
- file WktWriter.cpp
- file WktWriter.h
- file polygonSetToMultiPolygon.cpp
- file polygonSetToMultiPolygon.h
- dir tools
- file CharArrayBuffer.cpp
- file CharArrayBuffer.h
- file InputStreamReader.h
- file Log.cpp
- file Log.h
- file Registry.cpp
- file Registry.h
- dir transform
- file AffineTransform2.cpp
- file AffineTransform2.h
- file AffineTransform3.cpp
- file AffineTransform3.h
- file Force2D.cpp
- file Force2D.h
- file ForceOrderPoints.cpp
- file ForceOrderPoints.h
- file ForceZ.cpp
- file ForceZ.h
- file ForceZOrderPoints.cpp
- file ForceZOrderPoints.h
- file RoundTransform.cpp
- file RoundTransform.h
- dir triangulate
- file ublas.h
- file export.h
- dir io
- file numeric.cpp
- file numeric.h
- dir triangulate
- file triangulate2DZ.cpp
- file triangulate2DZ.h
- file triangulatePolygon.cpp
- file triangulatePolygon.h
- file version.cpp