Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
- class SFCGAL::ConstGeometryVisitor
- class SFCGAL::Coordinate Represents the Coordinate of aPoint (wraps either an empty structure, or a Kernel::Point_2, or a Kernel::Point_3)
- class SFCGAL::Coordinate::Empty
- class SFCGAL::Cylinder Represents a cylinder in 3D space.
- class SFCGAL::Envelope
- class SFCGAL::Geometry OGC/SFA based Geometry abstract class.
- class SFCGAL::GeometryCollection
- class SFCGAL::MultiLineString
- class SFCGAL::MultiPoint
- class SFCGAL::MultiPolygon
- class SFCGAL::MultiSolid
- class SFCGAL::LineString
- class SFCGAL::Point
- class SFCGAL::Solid
- class SFCGAL::Surface
- class SFCGAL::Polygon
- class SFCGAL::PolyhedralSurface
- class SFCGAL::Triangle
- class SFCGAL::TriangulatedSurface
- class SFCGAL::GeometryCollection
- class SFCGAL::GeometryVisitor
- class SFCGAL::Logger
- class SFCGAL::Sphere Represents a sphere in 3D space.
- class SFCGAL::algorithm::Buffer3D Computes a 3D buffer around a Point orLineString .
- class SFCGAL::algorithm::ConsistentOrientationBuilder
- class SFCGAL::algorithm::Handle
- class SFCGAL::detail::CollectionElement
- class SFCGAL::detail::GeometrySet
- class SFCGAL::detail::Interval
- class SFCGAL::detail::io::OsgFactory helper class to convert SFCGAL::Geometry to osg::Geometry
- class SFCGAL::detail::io::WkbReader
- class SFCGAL::detail::io::WkbWriter
- class SFCGAL::detail::io::WktReader
- class SFCGAL::detail::io::WktWriter
- class SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphBuilderT [private]Convert Geometries to a GeometryGraph. Identifier in the Graph are returned in order to allow the user to keep identify the geometry.
- class SFCGAL::graph::GeometryGraphT [private]Represents the vertices and edges for a list of geometries.
- class SFCGAL::tools::BasicInputStreamReader
- class SFCGAL::tools::Registry
- class SFCGAL::triangulate::ConstraintDelaunayTriangulation 2DZ constraint Delaunay triangulation
- struct SFCGAL::Plane_from_facet
- struct SFCGAL::TestGeometry
- struct SFCGAL::Validity the class, convertible to bool, that stores the reason why a geom is invalid
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Circle
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::CollisionMapper
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::EmptyPrimitive
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::FaceSegmentCollide
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::HandledBox
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Is_not_marked
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Nearer
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::NoValidityCheck
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Plane3DInexactUnsafe
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Sphere
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Surface_d
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::UnionOnBoxCollision
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::found_an_intersection
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::intersection_cb
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::intersects_cb
- struct SFCGAL::detail::BoxCollection BoxCollection for use with CGAL::Box_intersection_d.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::ComparePoints
- struct SFCGAL::detail::ComplexComparator
- struct SFCGAL::detail::HandleCollection HandleCollection . Used to storePrimitiveHandle .
- struct SFCGAL::detail::IsPrimitiveLarger Tests if a primitive type has a larger dimension than another one.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::Items_with_mark_on_hedge::Halfedge_wrapper
- struct SFCGAL::detail::NoVolume
- struct SFCGAL::detail::Point_d Another way of looking at TypeForDimension<Dim>::Point.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveBox PrimitiveBox . Type used for CGAL::Box_intersection_d.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension< TypeForDimension< 2 >::Segment >
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension< TypeForDimension< 2 >::Surface >
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension< TypeForDimension< 2 >::Volume >
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension< TypeForDimension< 3 >::Segment >
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension< TypeForDimension< 3 >::Surface >
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveDimension< TypeForDimension< 3 >::Volume >
- struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveHandle
- struct SFCGAL::detail::Segment_d Another way of looking at TypeForDimension<Dim>::Segment.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::Surface_d Another way of looking at TypeForDimension<Dim>::Surface.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::TypeForDimension Generic traits, default dimension is 2.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::TypeForDimension< 3 > Specialization for dimension = 3.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::Volume_d Another way of looking at TypeForDimension<Dim>::Volume.
- struct SFCGAL::detail::dim_t Create a distinct type for each dimension.
- struct SFCGAL::do_toPoint_d Private structures used to implement partial function specialization.
- struct SFCGAL::do_toPoint_d< 3 >
- struct SFCGAL::graph::Edge [private]An edge in a GeometryGraph with minimal requirements (some algorithms could need more information)
- struct SFCGAL::graph::Vertex [private]A vertex in a GeometryGraph with minimal requirements (some algorithms could need a richer class)
- struct SFCGAL::triangulate::ConstraintDelaunayTriangulation::FaceInfo
- struct SFCGAL::triangulate::ConstraintDelaunayTriangulation::VertexInfo vertex info in triangulation
- struct SFCGAL::triangulate::VertexInfo2
- class std::streambuf
- class CharArrayBuffer
- class boost::static_visitor< int >
- class boost::exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class std::exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class SFCGAL::Exception
- class boost::static_visitor< Kernel::FT >
- class SFCGAL::GetXVisitor
- class SFCGAL::GetYVisitor
- class SFCGAL::GetZVisitor
- class boost::iterator_facade< Point_2_const_iterator, Kernel::Point_2 const, boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >
- class boost::iterator_facade< Point_3_const_iterator, Kernel::Point_3 const, boost::bidirectional_traversal_tag >
- class boost::noncopyable
- class boost::static_visitor<>
- class SFCGAL::RoundVisitor
- class CGAL::Modifier_base< HDS >
- class SFCGAL::Sphere_builder Helper class for building the sphere polyhedron.
- class SFCGAL::Triangulated2Polyhedron
- class boost::static_visitor< Kernel::Point_2 >
- class SFCGAL::ToPoint2Visitor
- class boost::static_visitor< Kernel::Point_3 >
- class SFCGAL::ToPoint3Visitor
- class boost::archive::binary_oarchive
- class boost::archive::binary_iarchive
- class FaceBboxBase
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::FaceBbox
- class CGAL::Bbox_3
- class boost::dfs_visitor<>
- class detail::Segment_d::Type
- struct SFCGAL::algorithm::Segment_d
- class PolygonWH_2
- class Triangle_3
- class boost::static_visitor< bool >
- class CGAL::HalfedgeDS_halfedge_base< Refs >
- class CGAL::Polyhedron_items_3
- class boost::variant< detail::Point_d< Dim >::Type, Segment_d< Dim >, Surface_d< Dim >, detail::Volume_d< Dim >::Type, EmptyPrimitive >