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Namespace SFCGAL::io::OBJ

Namespace List > SFCGAL > io > OBJ

Public Functions

Type Name
void save (const Geometry & geom, std::ostream & out)
Saves a geometry to an OBJ format stream.
void save (const Geometry & geom, const std::string & filename)
Saves a geometry to an OBJ file.
void saveToBuffer (const Geometry & geom, char * buffer, size_t * size)
Saves a geometry to an OBJ format buffer (C API).
auto saveToString (const Geometry & geom)
Saves a geometry to an OBJ format string.

Public Functions Documentation

function save

Saves a geometry to an OBJ format stream.

void SFCGAL::io::OBJ::save (
    const Geometry & geom,
    std::ostream & out


  • geom The geometry to save
  • out The output stream


  • std::runtime_error If the geometry is invalid or unsupported

function save

Saves a geometry to an OBJ file.

void SFCGAL::io::OBJ::save (
    const Geometry & geom,
    const std::string & filename


  • geom The geometry to save
  • filename The name of the file to save to


  • std::runtime_error If the file cannot be opened or the geometry is invalid

function saveToBuffer

Saves a geometry to an OBJ format buffer (C API).

void SFCGAL::io::OBJ::saveToBuffer (
    const Geometry & geom,
    char * buffer,
    size_t * size


  • geom The geometry to save
  • buffer The buffer to write to
  • size On input, the size of the buffer. On output, the number of bytes written (or required if buffer is null)


  • std::runtime_error If the geometry is invalid or unsupported

function saveToString

Saves a geometry to an OBJ format string.

auto SFCGAL::io::OBJ::saveToString (
    const Geometry & geom


  • geom The geometry to save


The OBJ format string


  • std::runtime_error If the geometry is invalid or unsupported

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/io/OBJ.cpp