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File sfcgal_c.h

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  • #include "SFCGAL/config.h"
  • #include <stdbool.h>
  • #include <stddef.h>
  • #include <stdint.h>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef void *(* sfcgal_alloc_handler_t
enum sfcgal_buffer3d_type_t
typedef int(* sfcgal_error_handler_t
typedef void(* sfcgal_free_handler_t
typedef void sfcgal_geometry_t
enum sfcgal_geometry_type_t
typedef void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t
typedef uint32_t srid_t

Public Functions

Type Name
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_approx_convex_partition_2 (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API const char * sfcgal_full_version ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_alpha_shapes (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double alpha, bool allow_holes)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_approximate_medial_axis (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_area (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_area_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_hexwkb (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_obj (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_obj_file (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, const char * filename)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_text (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_text_decim (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, int numDecimals, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_vtk (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_vtk_file (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, const char * filename)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_wkb (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_buffer3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double radius, int segments, sfcgal_buffer3d_type_t buffer_type)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_clone (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_collection_add_geometry (sfcgal_geometry_t * collection, sfcgal_geometry_t * geometry)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_collection_create ()
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_collection_geometry_n (const sfcgal_geometry_t * collection, size_t i)
SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_geometry_collection_num_geometries (const sfcgal_geometry_t * collection)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_convexhull (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_convexhull_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_covers (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_covers_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_delete (sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_difference (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_difference_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_distance (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_distance_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_extrude (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double ex, double ey, double ez)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_extrude_polygon_straight_skeleton (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double building_height, double roof_height)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_extrude_straight_skeleton (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double height)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_force_lhr (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_force_rhr (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_force_valid (sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, int valid)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_has_validity_flag (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_intersection (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_intersection_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_intersects (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_intersects_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_empty (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_measured (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_planar (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_valid (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_valid_detail (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, char ** invalidity_reason, sfcgal_geometry_t ** invalidity_location)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_line_sub_string (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double start, double end)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_make_solid (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_minkowski_sum (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_offset_polygon (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double radius)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_optimal_alpha_shapes (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, bool allow_holes, size_t nb_components)
SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_orientation (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_2d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle, double cx, double cy)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle, double ax, double ay, double az)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_3d_around_center (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle, double ax, double ay, double az, double cx, double cy, double cz)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_x (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_y (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_z (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double angle)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_round (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, int r)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_scale (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double s)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_scale_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double sx, double sy, double sz)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_scale_3d_around_center (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double sx, double sy, double sz, double cx, double cy, double cz)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton_distance_in_m (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton_partition (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, bool autoOrientation)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_tesselate (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_translate_2d (sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double dx, double dy)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_translate_3d (sfcgal_geometry_t * geom, double dx, double dy, double dz)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_triangulate_2dz (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_type_t sfcgal_geometry_type_id (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_union (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_union_3d (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1, const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_visibility_point (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon, const sfcgal_geometry_t * point)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_visibility_segment (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon, const sfcgal_geometry_t * pointA, const sfcgal_geometry_t * pointB)
build the visibility polygon of the segment [pointA ; pointB] on a Polygon
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_volume (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_greene_approx_convex_partition_2 (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_init ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_binary_prepared (const char * str, size_t l)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_ewkt (const char * str, size_t len)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_wkb (const char * str, size_t len)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_wkt (const char * str, size_t len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_io_write_binary_prepared (const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * geom, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_linestring_add_point (sfcgal_geometry_t * linestring, sfcgal_geometry_t * point)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_linestring_create ()
SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_linestring_num_points (const sfcgal_geometry_t * linestring)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_linestring_point_n (const sfcgal_geometry_t * linestring, size_t i)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_linestring_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_point_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_polygon_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_solid_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_optimal_convex_partition_2 (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xy (double x, double y)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xym (double x, double y, double m)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xyz (double x, double y, double z)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xyzm (double x, double y, double z, double m)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_m (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_x (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_y (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_z (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_polygon_add_interior_ring (sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon, sfcgal_geometry_t * ring)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_create_from_exterior_ring (sfcgal_geometry_t * ring)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_exterior_ring (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_interior_ring_n (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon, size_t i)
SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_polygon_num_interior_rings (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_add_polygon (sfcgal_geometry_t * polyhedral, sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_create ()
SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_num_polygons (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polyhedral)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_polygon_n (const sfcgal_geometry_t * polyhedral, size_t i)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_as_ewkt (const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared, int num_decimals, char ** buffer, size_t * len)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_prepared_geometry_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_prepared_geometry_create_from_geometry (sfcgal_geometry_t * geometry, srid_t srid)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_delete (sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_prepared_geometry_geometry (const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_set_geometry (sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared, sfcgal_geometry_t * geometry)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_set_srid (sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared, srid_t srid)
SFCGAL_API srid_t sfcgal_prepared_geometry_srid (const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_set_alloc_handlers (sfcgal_alloc_handler_t malloc_handler, sfcgal_free_handler_t free_handler)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_set_error_handlers (sfcgal_error_handler_t warning_handler, sfcgal_error_handler_t error_handler)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_set_geometry_validation (int enabled)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_solid_add_interior_shell (sfcgal_geometry_t * solid, sfcgal_geometry_t * shell)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_solid_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_solid_create_from_exterior_shell (sfcgal_geometry_t * shell)
SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_solid_num_shells (const sfcgal_geometry_t * solid)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_solid_shell_n (const sfcgal_geometry_t * solid, size_t i)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangle_create ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangle_create_from_points (const sfcgal_geometry_t * pta, const sfcgal_geometry_t * ptb, const sfcgal_geometry_t * ptc)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex (sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle, int i, const sfcgal_geometry_t * vertex)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex_from_xy (sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle, int i, double x, double y)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex_from_xyz (sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle, int i, double x, double y, double z)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangle_vertex (const sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle, int i)
SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangulated_surface_add_triangle (sfcgal_geometry_t * tin, sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle)
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangulated_surface_create ()
SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_triangulated_surface_num_triangles (const sfcgal_geometry_t * tin)
SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangulated_surface_triangle_n (const sfcgal_geometry_t * tin, size_t i)
SFCGAL_API const char * sfcgal_version ()
SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_y_monotone_partition_2 (const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom)

Public Types Documentation

typedef sfcgal_alloc_handler_t

typedef void *(* sfcgal_alloc_handler_t) (size_t);

enum sfcgal_buffer3d_type_t

enum sfcgal_buffer3d_type_t {

Buffer3D types

typedef sfcgal_error_handler_t

typedef int(* sfcgal_error_handler_t) (const char *,...);

Warning and error handlers

typedef sfcgal_free_handler_t

typedef void(* sfcgal_free_handler_t) (void *);

typedef sfcgal_geometry_t

typedef void sfcgal_geometry_t;

Minimal C API for SFCGAL sfcgal_geometry_t is an opaque pointer type that is used to represent a pointer to SFCGAL::Geometry

enum sfcgal_geometry_type_t

enum sfcgal_geometry_type_t {

Geometric types

typedef sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t

typedef void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t;

Opaque type that represents the C++ type SFCGAL::PreparedGeometry

typedef srid_t

typedef uint32_t srid_t;

Public Functions Documentation

function sfcgal_approx_convex_partition_2

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_approx_convex_partition_2 (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the approximal convex partition of a geometry (polygon without hole)


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_full_version

SFCGAL_API const char * sfcgal_full_version () 

Get full version (including CGAL and Boost versions)

function sfcgal_geometry_alpha_shapes

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_alpha_shapes (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double alpha,
    bool allow_holes

Returns the alpha shapes of geom


isValid(geom) == true


alpha >= 0


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_approximate_medial_axis

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_approximate_medial_axis (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the approximate medial axis for the given Polygon Approximate medial axis is based on straight skeleton


isValid(geom) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_area

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_area (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the area of geom


isValid(geom) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_area_3d

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_area_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the 3D area of geom


isValid(geom) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_as_hexwkb

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_hexwkb (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Returns a WKB representation as hexadecimal of the given geometry


buffer is returned allocated and must be freed by the caller

function sfcgal_geometry_as_obj

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_obj (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Creates a OBJ string of the given geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_as_obj_file

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_obj_file (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    const char * filename

Creates a OBJ file of the given geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_as_text

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_text (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Returns a WKT representation of the given geometry using CGAL exact integer fractions as coordinate values


buffer is returned allocated and must be freed by the caller

function sfcgal_geometry_as_text_decim

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_text_decim (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    int numDecimals,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Returns a WKT representation of the given geometry using floating point coordinate values. Floating point precision can be set via the numDecimals parameter. Setting numDecimals to -1 yields the same result as sfcgal_geometry_as_text.


buffer is returned allocated and must be freed by the caller

function sfcgal_geometry_as_vtk

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_vtk (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Creates a VTK string of the given geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_as_vtk_file

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_vtk_file (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    const char * filename

Creates a VTK file of the given geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_as_wkb

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_as_wkb (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pgeom,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Returns a WKB representation of the given geometry


buffer is returned allocated and must be freed by the caller

function sfcgal_geometry_buffer3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_buffer3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double radius,
    int segments,
    sfcgal_buffer3d_type_t buffer_type

Computes a 3D buffer around a geometry


  • geom The input geometry (must be a Point or LineString)
  • radius The buffer radius
  • segments The number of segments to use for approximating curved surfaces
  • buffer_type The type of buffer to compute (ROUND, CYLSPHERE, or FLAT)


A new geometry representing the 3D buffer


isValid(geom) == true


radius > 0


segments > 2


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_clone

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_clone (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns a deep clone of the given geometry


returns a pointer to an allocated geometry that must be deallocated by sfcgal_geometry_delete

function sfcgal_geometry_collection_add_geometry

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_collection_add_geometry (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * collection,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geometry

Adds a Geometry to a given GeometryCollection


collection must be a GeometryCollection


the ownership of the given geometry is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_geometry_collection_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_collection_create () 

Creates an empty GeometryCollection

Geometry collection

function sfcgal_geometry_collection_geometry_n

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_collection_geometry_n (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * collection,
    size_t i

Returns the ith geometry of a GeometryCollection


collection is a GeometryCollection


i >= 0 and i < sfcgal_geometry_collection_num_geometries


the returned Geometry is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_geometry_collection_num_geometries

SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_geometry_collection_num_geometries (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * collection

Returns the number of geometries of a given GeometryCollection


collection is a GeometryCollection

function sfcgal_geometry_convexhull

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_convexhull (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the convex hull of geom


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_convexhull_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_convexhull_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the 3D convex hull of geom


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_covers

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_covers (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Tests the coverage of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_covers_3d

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_covers_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Tests the 3D coverage of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_delete

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_delete (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Deletes a given geometry


the given pointer must have been previously allocated by a creation function

function sfcgal_geometry_difference

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_difference (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the difference of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_difference_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_difference_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the 3D difference of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_distance

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_distance (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Computes the distance of the two given Geometry objects


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_distance_3d

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_distance_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Computes the 3D distance of the two given Geometry objects


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_extrude

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_extrude (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double ex,
    double ey,
    double ez

Returns an extrusion of the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_extrude_polygon_straight_skeleton

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_extrude_polygon_straight_skeleton (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double building_height,
    double roof_height

Returns the union of the polygon z-extrusion (with respect to building_height) and the extrude straight skeleton (with respect to roof_height) of the given Polygon


geom must be a Polygon


isValid(geom) == true


roof_height != 0

function sfcgal_geometry_extrude_straight_skeleton

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_extrude_straight_skeleton (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double height

Returns the extrude straight skeleton of the given Polygon


geom must be a Polygon


isValid(geom) == true


height != 0

function sfcgal_geometry_force_lhr

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_force_lhr (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Force a Left Handed Rule on the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_force_rhr

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_force_rhr (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Force a Right Handed Rule on the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_force_valid

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_geometry_force_valid (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    int valid

Sets the validity flag of the geometry. FIXME We better have geometry constructors to directly build valid geometries

function sfcgal_geometry_has_validity_flag

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_has_validity_flag (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Gets the validity flag of the geometry.

function sfcgal_geometry_intersection

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_intersection (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the intersection of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_intersection_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_intersection_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the 3D intersection of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_intersects

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_intersects (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Tests the intersection of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_intersects_3d

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_intersects_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Tests the 3D intersection of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_is_3d

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Tests if the given geometry is 3D or not

function sfcgal_geometry_is_empty

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_empty (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Tests if the given geometry is empty or not

function sfcgal_geometry_is_measured

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_measured (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Tests if the given geometry is measured (has an m) or not

function sfcgal_geometry_is_planar

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_planar (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Tests if the given Geometry is planar


isValid(geom) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_is_valid

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_valid (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Tests if the given geometry is valid or not

function sfcgal_geometry_is_valid_detail

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_is_valid_detail (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    char ** invalidity_reason,
    sfcgal_geometry_t ** invalidity_location

Tests if the given geometry is valid or not And return details in case of invalidity


  • geom the input geometry
  • invalidity_reason input/output parameter. If non null, a null-terminated string could be allocated and contain reason of the invalidity
  • invalidity_location input/output parameter. If non null, a geometry could be allocated and contain the location of the invalidity

function sfcgal_geometry_line_sub_string

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_line_sub_string (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double start,
    double end

Returns the substring of the given LineString between fractional distances


isValid(geom) == true


geom is a Linestring


-1 <= start <= 1


-1 <= end <= 1


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_make_solid

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_make_solid (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Convert a PolyhedralSurface to a Solid


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_minkowski_sum

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_minkowski_sum (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the minkowski sum geom1 + geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_offset_polygon

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_offset_polygon (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double radius

Returns the offset polygon of the given Geometry.


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_optimal_alpha_shapes

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_optimal_alpha_shapes (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    bool allow_holes,
    size_t nb_components

Returns the optimal alpha shapes of geom


isValid(geom) == true


alpha >= 0


nb_components >= 0


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_orientation

SFCGAL_API int sfcgal_geometry_orientation (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the orientation of the given Polygon -1 for a counter clockwise orientation 1 for a clockwise orientation 0 for an invalid or undetermined orientation


geom is a Polygon


isValid(geom) == true

Get geometry orientation. Returns: -1 for a counter clock wise orientation, 1 for a clock wise orientation, 0 for invalid or undetermined orientation

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle

Rotates a geometry around the origin (0,0,0) by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate_2d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_2d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle,
    double cx,
    double cy

Rotates a geometry around a specified point by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians
  • cx X-coordinate of the center point
  • cy Y-coordinate of the center point


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle,
    double ax,
    double ay,
    double az

Rotates a 3D geometry around a specified axis by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians
  • ax X-coordinate of the axis vector
  • ay Y-coordinate of the axis vector
  • az Z-coordinate of the axis vector


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate_3d_around_center

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_3d_around_center (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle,
    double ax,
    double ay,
    double az,
    double cx,
    double cy,
    double cz

Rotates a 3D geometry around a specified axis and center point by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians
  • ax X-coordinate of the axis vector
  • ay Y-coordinate of the axis vector
  • az Z-coordinate of the axis vector
  • cx X-coordinate of the center point
  • cy Y-coordinate of the center point
  • cz Z-coordinate of the center point


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate_x

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_x (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle

Rotates a geometry around the X axis by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate_y

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_y (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle

Rotates a geometry around the Y axis by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_rotate_z

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_rotate_z (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double angle

Rotates a geometry around the Z axis by a given angle


  • geom The geometry to rotate
  • angle Rotation angle in radians


The rotated geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_round

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_round (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    int r

Round coordinates of the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_scale

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_scale (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double s

Scale a geometry by a given factor


  • geom The geometry to scale
  • s Scale factor


The scaled geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_scale_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_scale_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double sx,
    double sy,
    double sz

Scale a geometry by different factors for each dimension


  • geom The geometry to scale
  • sx Scale factor for x dimension
  • sy Scale factor for y dimension
  • sz Scale factor for z dimension


The scaled geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_scale_3d_around_center

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_scale_3d_around_center (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double sx,
    double sy,
    double sz,
    double cx,
    double cy,
    double cz

Scale a geometry by different factors for each dimension around a center point


  • geom The geometry to scale
  • sx Scale factor for x dimension
  • sy Scale factor for y dimension
  • sz Scale factor for z dimension
  • cx X-coordinate of the center point
  • cy Y-coordinate of the center point
  • cz Z-coordinate of the center point


The scaled geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the straight skeleton of the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton_distance_in_m

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton_distance_in_m (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the straight skeleton of the given Geometry with the distance to the border as M coordinate


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton_partition

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_straight_skeleton_partition (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    bool autoOrientation

Returns the straight skeleton partition for the given Polygon


isValid(geom) == true


geom must be a Polygon, Triangle or MultiPolygon


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_tesselate

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_tesselate (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns a tesselation of the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_translate_2d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_translate_2d (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double dx,
    double dy

Translate a geometry by a 2D vector


  • geom the geometry to translate
  • dx x component of the translation vector
  • dy y component of the translation vector

function sfcgal_geometry_translate_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_translate_3d (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geom,
    double dx,
    double dy,
    double dz

Translate a geometry by a 3D vector


  • geom the geometry to translate
  • dx x component of the translation vector
  • dy y component of the translation vector
  • dz z component of the translation vector

function sfcgal_geometry_triangulate_2dz

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_triangulate_2dz (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns a triangulation of the given Geometry


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_type_id

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_type_t sfcgal_geometry_type_id (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the type of a given geometry

function sfcgal_geometry_union

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_union (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the union of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_union_3d

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_union_3d (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom1,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom2

Returns the 3D union of geom1 and geom2


isValid(geom1) == true


isValid(geom2) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_geometry_visibility_point

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_visibility_point (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * point

Returns the visibility polygon of a Point inside a Polygon


  • polygon input geometry
  • point input geometry


polygon is a valid geometry


point must be inside polygon or on the boundary

function sfcgal_geometry_visibility_segment

build the visibility polygon of the segment [pointA ; pointB] on a Polygon

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_geometry_visibility_segment (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pointA,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pointB


  • polygon input geometry
  • pointA input geometry
  • pointB input geometry


polygon is a valid geometry


pointA and pointB must be vertices of poly, adjacents and respect the direction

function sfcgal_geometry_volume

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_geometry_volume (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the volume of geom (must be a volume)


isValid(geom) == true

function sfcgal_greene_approx_convex_partition_2

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_greene_approx_convex_partition_2 (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the greene approximal convex partition of a geometry (polygon without hole)


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_init

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_init () 

This function must be called before all the other one.

function sfcgal_io_read_binary_prepared

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_binary_prepared (
    const char * str,
    size_t l

function sfcgal_io_read_ewkt

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_ewkt (
    const char * str,
    size_t len

function sfcgal_io_read_wkb

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_wkb (
    const char * str,
    size_t len


function sfcgal_io_read_wkt

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_io_read_wkt (
    const char * str,
    size_t len


function sfcgal_io_write_binary_prepared

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_io_write_binary_prepared (
    const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * geom,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len


function sfcgal_linestring_add_point

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_linestring_add_point (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * linestring,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * point

Adds a point to a LineString


  • linestring is the LineString where the Point has to be added to
  • point is the Point to add to the given LineString


i >= and i < sfcgal_linestring_num_points


the ownership of Point is taken by the function

function sfcgal_linestring_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_linestring_create () 

Creates an empty LineString


function sfcgal_linestring_num_points

SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_linestring_num_points (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * linestring

Returns the number of points of the given LineString


linestring must be a LineString

function sfcgal_linestring_point_n

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_linestring_point_n (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * linestring,
    size_t i

Returns the ith point of a given LineString


  • i is the point index in the LineString


linestring must be a LineString


i >= and i < sfcgal_linestring_num_points


the returned Point is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_multi_linestring_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_linestring_create () 

Creates an empty MultiLineString

function sfcgal_multi_point_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_point_create () 

Creates an empty MultiPoint


function sfcgal_multi_polygon_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_polygon_create () 

Creates an empty MultiPolygon

function sfcgal_multi_solid_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_multi_solid_create () 

Creates an empty MultiSolid

function sfcgal_optimal_convex_partition_2

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_optimal_convex_partition_2 (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the optimal convex partition of a geometry (polygon without hole)


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

function sfcgal_point_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create () 

Creates an empty point


function sfcgal_point_create_from_xy

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xy (
    double x,
    double y

Creates a point from two X and Y coordinates

function sfcgal_point_create_from_xym

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xym (
    double x,
    double y,
    double m

Creates a point from three X, Y and M coordinates

function sfcgal_point_create_from_xyz

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xyz (
    double x,
    double y,
    double z

Creates a point from three X, Y and Z coordinates

function sfcgal_point_create_from_xyzm

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_point_create_from_xyzm (
    double x,
    double y,
    double z,
    double m

Creates a point from four X, Y, Z and M coordinates

function sfcgal_point_m

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_m (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the M coordinate of the given Point


the given geometry must be a Point


the given point must not be empty


the M coordinate can value NaN if the given point has no m

function sfcgal_point_x

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_x (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the X coordinate of the given Point


the given geometry must be a Point


the given point must not be empty

function sfcgal_point_y

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_y (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the Y coordinate of the given Point


the given geometry must be a Point


the given point must not be empty

function sfcgal_point_z

SFCGAL_API double sfcgal_point_z (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the Z coordinate of the given Point


the given geometry must be a Point


the given point must not be empty


the Z coordinate can value NaN if the given point is 2D only

function sfcgal_polygon_add_interior_ring

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_polygon_add_interior_ring (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * ring

Adds an interior ring to a given Polygon


polygon must be a Polygon


ring must be a LineString

function sfcgal_polygon_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_create () 

Creates an empty Polygon


function sfcgal_polygon_create_from_exterior_ring

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_create_from_exterior_ring (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * ring

Creates an empty Polygon from an extrior ring


ring must be a LineString


the ownership of the given ring is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_polygon_exterior_ring

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_exterior_ring (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon

Returns the exterior ring of a given Polygon


polygon must be a Polygon


polygon must not be empty


the returned ring is a LineString, is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_polygon_interior_ring_n

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polygon_interior_ring_n (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon,
    size_t i

Returns the ith interior ring of a given Polygon


polygon must be a Polygon


i >= 0 and i < sfcgal_polygon_num_interior_rings


the returned ring is a LineString, is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_polygon_num_interior_rings

SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_polygon_num_interior_rings (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon

Returns the number of interior rings of a given Polygon


polygon must be a Polygon

function sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_add_polygon

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_add_polygon (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * polyhedral,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * polygon

Adds a Polygon to a given PolyhedralSurface


polyhedral must be a PolyhedralSurface


polygon must be a Polygon


the ownership of the Polygon is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_create () 

Creates an empty PolyhedralSurface

Polyhedral surface

function sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_num_polygons

SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_num_polygons (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polyhedral

Returns the number of polygons of a given PolyhedralSurface


polyhedral must be a PolyhedralSurface

function sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_polygon_n

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_polygon_n (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * polyhedral,
    size_t i

Returns the ith polygon of a given PolyhedralSurface


polyhedral must be a PolyhedralSurface


i >= 0 and i < sfcgal_polyhedral_surface_num_polygons(polyhedral)


the returned Polygon is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_as_ewkt

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_as_ewkt (
    const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared,
    int num_decimals,
    char ** buffer,
    size_t * len

Returns an EWKT representation of the given PreparedGeometry


  • num_decimals number of decimals. -2 for a variable number of decimals. -1 for an exact representation


buffer is returned allocated and must be freed by the caller

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_prepared_geometry_create () 

Creates an empty PreparedGeometry

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_create_from_geometry

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * sfcgal_prepared_geometry_create_from_geometry (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geometry,
    srid_t srid

Creates a PreparedGeometry from a Geometry and an SRID

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_delete

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_delete (
    sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared

Deletes a given PreparedGeometry


prepared must be a PreparedGeometry


the underlying Geometry linked to the given PreparedGeometry is also deleted

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_geometry

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_prepared_geometry_geometry (
    const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared

Returns the Geometry associated with a given PreparedGeometry


prepared must be a PreparedGeometry


the returned Geometry is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_set_geometry

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_set_geometry (
    sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * geometry

Sets the Geometry associated with the given PreparedGeometry


prepared must be a PreparedGeometry


the ownership of the given geometry is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_set_srid

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_prepared_geometry_set_srid (
    sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared,
    srid_t srid

Sets SRID associated with a given PreparedGeometry


prepared must be a PreparedGeometry

function sfcgal_prepared_geometry_srid

SFCGAL_API srid_t sfcgal_prepared_geometry_srid (
    const sfcgal_prepared_geometry_t * prepared

Returns SRID associated with a given PreparedGeometry


prepared must be a PreparedGeometry

function sfcgal_set_alloc_handlers

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_set_alloc_handlers (
    sfcgal_alloc_handler_t malloc_handler,
    sfcgal_free_handler_t free_handler

Sets the error handlers. These callbacks are called on warning or error


  • malloc_handler is the function to call for memory allocation. The default behaviour is to call malloc()
  • free_handler is the function to call for memory deallocation. The default behaviour is to call free()

function sfcgal_set_error_handlers

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_set_error_handlers (
    sfcgal_error_handler_t warning_handler,
    sfcgal_error_handler_t error_handler

Sets the error handlers. These callbacks are called on warning or error


  • warning_handler is the printf-styled callback function that will be called when a function raises a warning. The default behaviour is to call printf.
  • error_handler is the printf-style callback function that will be called when a function generates an error. The default behaviour is to call printf.

function sfcgal_set_geometry_validation

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_set_geometry_validation (
    int enabled

Set the geometry validation mode



function sfcgal_solid_add_interior_shell

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_solid_add_interior_shell (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * solid,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * shell

Adds a shell to a given Solid


solid must be a Solid


shell must be a PolyhedralSurface


the ownership of the shell is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_solid_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_solid_create () 

Creates an empty Solid


function sfcgal_solid_create_from_exterior_shell

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_solid_create_from_exterior_shell (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * shell

Creates a Solid from an exterior shell


ring must be a PolyhedralSurface


the ownership of the given shell is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_solid_num_shells

SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_solid_num_shells (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * solid

Returns the number of shells of a given Solid


solid must be a Solid

function sfcgal_solid_shell_n

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_solid_shell_n (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * solid,
    size_t i

Returns the ith shell of a given Solid


solid must be a Solid


i >= 0 and i < sfcgal_solid_num_shells( tin )


the returned PolyhedralSurface is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_triangle_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangle_create () 

Creates an empty Triangle


function sfcgal_triangle_create_from_points

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangle_create_from_points (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * pta,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * ptb,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * ptc

Creates a Triangle from three given Point


pta must be a Triangle


ptb must be a Triangle


ptc must be a Triangle


the ownership of the three points are not taken. The caller is still responsible of their deallocation

function sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle,
    int i,
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * vertex

Sets one vertex of a Triangle


triangle must be a Triangle


vertex must be a Point


returns a pointer to one of the vertices as a Point. This pointer is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex_from_xy

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex_from_xy (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle,
    int i,
    double x,
    double y

Sets one vertex of a Triangle from two coordinates


triangle must be a Triangle


i >= 0 and i < 3

function sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex_from_xyz

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangle_set_vertex_from_xyz (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle,
    int i,
    double x,
    double y,
    double z

Sets one vertex of a Triangle from three coordinates


triangle must be a Triangle


i >= 0 and i < 3

function sfcgal_triangle_vertex

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangle_vertex (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle,
    int i

Returns one the Triangle's vertex as a Point


triangle must be a Triangle


i >= 0 and i < 3


returns a pointer to one of the vertices as a Point. This pointer is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_triangulated_surface_add_triangle

SFCGAL_API void sfcgal_triangulated_surface_add_triangle (
    sfcgal_geometry_t * tin,
    sfcgal_geometry_t * triangle

Adds a Triangle to a given TriangulatedSurface


tin must be a TriangulatedSurface


triangle must be a Triangle


the ownership of the Triangle is taken. The caller is not responsible anymore of its deallocation

function sfcgal_triangulated_surface_create

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangulated_surface_create () 

Creates an empty TriangulatedSurface

Triangulated surface

function sfcgal_triangulated_surface_num_triangles

SFCGAL_API size_t sfcgal_triangulated_surface_num_triangles (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * tin

Returns the number of triangles of a given TriangulatedSurface


tin must be a TriangulatedSurface

function sfcgal_triangulated_surface_triangle_n

SFCGAL_API const sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_triangulated_surface_triangle_n (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * tin,
    size_t i

Returns the ith Triangle of a given TriangulatedSurface


tin must be a TriangulatedSurface


i >= 0 and i < sfcgal_triangulated_surface_num_triangles( tin )


the returned Triangle is not writable and must not be deallocated by the caller

function sfcgal_version

SFCGAL_API const char * sfcgal_version () 

Get version

function sfcgal_y_monotone_partition_2

SFCGAL_API sfcgal_geometry_t * sfcgal_y_monotone_partition_2 (
    const sfcgal_geometry_t * geom

Returns the y monotone partition of a geometry (polygon without hole)


isValid(geom) == true


isValid(return) == true

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/capi/sfcgal_c.h