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Struct SFCGAL::algorithm::HandledBox

template <int Dim>

ClassList > SFCGAL > algorithm > HandledBox

Public Types

Type Name
typedef CGAL::Box_intersection_d::Box_with_handle_d< double, Dim, Handle< Dim >, CGAL::Box_intersection_d::ID_EXPLICIT > Type
typedef std::vector< Type > Vector

Public Types Documentation

typedef Type

using SFCGAL::algorithm::HandledBox< Dim >::Type =  CGAL::Box_intersection_d::Box_with_handle_d< double, Dim, Handle<Dim>, CGAL::Box_intersection_d::ID_EXPLICIT>;

typedef Vector

using SFCGAL::algorithm::HandledBox< Dim >::Vector =  std::vector<Type>;

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/algorithm/union.cpp