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Struct SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveHandle

template <int Dim>

ClassList > SFCGAL > detail > PrimitiveHandle


  • #include <GeometrySet.h>

Public Types

Type Name
typedef boost::variant< const typename Point_d< Dim >::Type *, const typename Segment_d< Dim >::Type *, const typename Surface_d< Dim >::Type *, const typename Volume_d< Dim >::Type * > Type

Public Attributes

Type Name
Type handle

Public Functions

Type Name
PrimitiveHandle (const T * p)
const T * as () const

Detailed Description

Primitive handle. Holds a pointer to a primitive, through the 'handle' member

Public Types Documentation

typedef Type

typedef boost::variant<const typename Point_d<Dim>::Type *, const typename Segment_d<Dim>::Type *, const typename Surface_d<Dim>::Type *, const typename Volume_d<Dim>::Type *> SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveHandle< Dim >::Type;

Public Attributes Documentation

variable handle

Type SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveHandle< Dim >::handle;

Public Functions Documentation

function PrimitiveHandle

template<class T>
inline SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveHandle::PrimitiveHandle (
    const T * p

function as

template<class T>
inline const T * SFCGAL::detail::PrimitiveHandle::as () const

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file /builds/sfcgal/SFCGAL/src/detail/GeometrySet.h