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Source code

SFCGAL source code is available on the corresponding GitLab repository.

The master branch is the development branch and has a tag for each released version.

Source code of the 2.0.0 release can be found with the tag v2.0.0. You can directly download a zip or tarball.

Supported platforms

SFCGAL has been successfully compiled and tested on the following platforms:

  • Linux 64 bits with gcc and clang
  • Windows with mingw
  • macOS
  • FreeBSD


  • A C++ compiler, see above for supported platforms
  • CMake version ≥ 2.8.6
  • CGAL version ≥ 5.6
  • Boost version ≥ 1.74
  • MPFR version ≥ 2.2.1
  • GMP version ≥ 4.2

Optional dependencies for viewer and 3D format export:


The compilation process is based on CMake. On Linux, run:

cmake -S . -B build && cmake --build build && sudo cmake --install build

You may specify dependencies locations with environment variables in case CMake doesn't find them automatically (see below).

CGAL uses a lot of templated constructions. Therefore, the building process may take a while.

Default building options should work out-of-the-box. You may want to fine-tune the compilation process with build options.

Dependencies location (environment variables)

Variable Name Description
GMP_DIR GMP location
MPFR_DIR MPFR location
CGAL_DIR CGAL location
BOOST_ROOT Boost location

Build options (CMake options)

Option Name Default Description
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /usr/local Specifies where SFCGAL will be installed when make install is invoked
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Release Switches between a Release build for speed efficiency and a Debug build for development (slower, with assertions)
SFCGAL_BUILD_VIEWER OFF Turn to ON to build the viewer and conversion tools (viewer-SFCGAL)
SFCGAL_BUILD_TESTS OFF Turn to ON to build unit and regression tests (run tests with unit-test-SFCGAL, etc.)
SFCGAL_BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF Turn to ON to build examples
SFCGAL_BUILD_BENCH OFF Turn to ON to build benchmark tests
SFCGAL_WARNING_AS_ERROR OFF Turn to ON to convert build warnings into errors
SFCGAL_BUILD_WITH_GPROF OFF Turn to ON to build with GNU gprof
SFCGAL_USE_STATIC_LIBS OFF Turn to ON to compile as a static library

Installation with PostGIS

In a PostGIS source tree, an additional option for the configure script called --with-sfcgal is available. Set it to wherever your SFCGAL installation is. If you used the default directory /usr/local and if the bin sub-directory is present in your PATH, then SFCGAL should be detected without any additional options.